Happy Pi Day everyone! In honor of this very important mathematical holiday, I came up with a composition exercise that combines music and numbers. The challenge is to compose a melody using the digits of pi as intervals in semitones.
To start, we’ll need a table that lists the intervals corresponding to each digit from 0 to 9. Here it is:

Next, we’ll use each digit of pi to construct a melody. I’ll be using the first 18 digits of pi:
Now, choose any starting note and use the first digit of pi (3) to determine the first interval. In this case, we’re moving up or down 3 semitones, which is a a minor third. Then, use the next digit of pi (1) to determine the next interval, which is a minor second. Continue this process using the digits of Pi until you have a complete melody. I started on C and came up with this melody:

I tried to create a balanced melody, that doesn’t go too high or too low, and feels like it could be more or less in one tonality (in this case, C minor).
Next, try to find chords to harmonize the melody (for harmonization tips, download my free Reharmonization Quick Guide here). I came up with the following sequence of chords:

This is what my pi melody sounds like:
Give it a try and see what kind of melodies you can come up with using pi digits as intervals. I think this exercise is pretty fun and creative, and also a great way to practice your composition skills and musical theory knowledge. Let me know in the comments what you think of this exercise and if you were able to come up with a composition.
Happy composing!